A python3 script that creates clips from a group of mp4 files in a directory.
A clip is made from the first second of the first video, the second second of the second video,
the third second of the third video, so on an so forth.
A python3 script that creates an arbitrary number of clips of arbitrary lengths
from all mp4 files in a user-defined directory, shuffles them, and writes a file with the clips concatenated.
The percentage of clips that should be less than or equal to specefic lengths can be defined and are currently set to,
clip_length_percentages={10: 0.5, 2: 0.1, 0.5: 0.06, 30: 0.1, 45: 0.1, 60: 0.1, 90: 0.04}
The maximum for the number of clips per video is currently set to 50.